The Paraskiny Lakes Nature Reserve of Federal Significance

Reserve is located in the middle and northern taiga zones, 55 km south-west of Ukhta city, in the basin of the Ukhta River and Tobys River. Its area is 17.11 thousand ha. The reserve includes landscapes of the Middle Timan. The reserve was established in 2021. Its unique features include karst relief forms, which have been formed as a result of the dissolution of carbonate rocks and appear in the form of sinkholes up to 20-25 m in diameter and up to 20 m deep. The reserve also includes three karst lakes, which are included in the Federal Reserve. Bolshoye Paraskino Lake (approximately 450-256 m) is situated in a forest area and has a maximum depth of 17.8 m. Goluboe Lake and Kaufman’s Lake are smaller, with depths ranging from 3 to 15-20 m.

The vegetation cover of the reserve is primarily pine forest, with spruce and birch forests occupying a relatively insignificant area. A total of 334 species of spore and seed plants have been identified within the reserve. Among these, the endemic European North-East species Thymus paucifolius is notable. The presence of carbonate soils in the reserve has led to the appearance of rare calcophytic plants, including Cypripedium calceolus, Epipactis atrorubens, Dactylorhiza cruenta, Gymnadenia conopsea, Dracocephalum ruyschiana and Paeonia anomala.

There are 219 species of lichens and fungi in the Paraskiny Lakes Reserve. The greatest diversity of lichens is characterised by pine forests. Many of them are rare in the Komi Republic. For example: Acolium inquinans, Bryoria fremontii, Chaenothecopsis fennica, Cheiromicina flabelliformis, Felipes leucopellaeus, Hypogymnia austerodes, Lobaria pulmonaria, Microcalicium ahlneri, Peltigera kristinssonii, Peltigera collina, Ramalina roesleri, Vulpicida juniperinus.

The reserve offers an ecological trail, accessible via an archway. Along the way, visitors will find wooden sculptures and benches where they can relax. There are also swings for children.

Plant communities.
Ecological trail.
Lichens species.