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RIVR. User Manual

RIVR. Description

RIVR is acronym of transliterated Russian name of the project “Rasprostranenie Invasionnyh Vidov Rastenij” (English translation: “Occurrences of Invasion Plant Species”).

The aim of the project is creating tool for collecting and retrieving information about invasion plants occurrence. The site is dedicated to one invasion plant species - Heracleum sosnowskyi. The occurrence data can be added by any user after simple registration.

The owner of RIVR system is Institute of Biology of Komi Scientific Centre of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (

Contributors: Igor Dalke (project architecture, testing) Elaena Madi (project architecture, programme code) Ivan Chadin (project architecture, testing).

Data collection process

The occurrence data may be collected by:

  1. manual georeferencing with paper maps and field notes;
  2. GPS navigator only (by saving of way points and tracks);
  3. making geotagged photos.

The last one is most productive.

Geotagging photos

Good manual for geotagging photos may be found on the site of OpenStreet Project:

Data uploading in RIVR

There are three ways for data uploading in RIVR system:

  1. batch uploading of geotagged photos;
  2. manual entry of information for each site occupied by Heracleum;
  3. manual creating of polygons on Yandex map layer.

Go to the RIVR site: Register yourself and log in.

Batch uploading of geotagged photos

1. We recommend to upload photos by groups collected on the basis of shooting date and shooting locations. The total volume of simultaneously uploaded files is limited to 10 MB. Single file size cannot exceed 1 MB.

3. Select menu “Add new data” –> “Points” –> “Upload geotagged photos”.

4. Press “Browse…” button. Find the directory with photos in your computer. Sort file by names. Select files by pressing Shift key and cursor moving.

5. Press button “Open”. The list of the files will be uploaded. It is possible to delete any file from list:

6. Press “Upload” button. Files will be uploaded to server. The geotags from jpg files will be retrieved, saved in RIVR database and displayed on Yandex map.

Manual data entry

1. Select “Add new data” –> “Point by Point”.

2. Fill the form. Required fields are “Coordinates” and “Date”. Coordinates must be entered in decimal degrees.

3. The coordinates may be gathered with Yandex map. Find point you want to add on the in the Yandex map window. Press “Get coordinates” button (left upper corner). Put mouse cursor on the point and click by left mouse button. The latitude and longitude fields will be filled up automatically.

Polygon adding

1. Select the region on the Yandex map in convenient for the polygon drawing scale. Turn the map display mode to “Hybrid”.

2. Select menu “Add new data”–> “Polygons” –> “Add polygon”.

3. Begin drawing the polygon by clicking the mouse on the corners of the future polygon. First draw a rough outline, then make corrections.

4. To correct the contour of a polygon use the nodes of two types: vertices (is square) , and the midpoint between the vertices (is round) . Click on the square will open context menu.

Any middle point, you can turn to the vertices, if “drag” it away from the direct line segment between the vertices.

5. After completing drawing of the outline of a polygon, fill its text description in the right side of the page and click “Save”.

user_manual.txt · Last modified: 11/09/2016 15:24 (external edit)