Occurrences of invasive plant species Heracleum sosnowskyi Manden
Dear visitors and users of RIVR!
From January 28, 2022, uploading new data to the RIVR for external users will be closed. Please note that one of the significant drawbacks of the RIVR is the availability of inaccurate data on the locations of Sosnovsky hogweed (Shipilina, Chukhina, 2020) in the system. Species identification is not provided in RIVR, so the data already uploaded should be used with caution. We believe that further development of RIVR will lead to the replication of the functionality of the global iNaturalist project, which proposes to download data on the location of any species using an application installed on a smartphone or from a personal account on the website iNaturalist. The iNaturalist system offers automatic taxon identification. Species discoveries that have been confirmed as correctly photographed by two independent users receive ResearchGrade status and are automatically published on the GBIF website (https://www.gbif.org).
We invite the RIVR IS users to continue collecting data on the distribution of Heracleum sosnowskyi using the system iNaturalist, where the project "Heracleum sosnowskyi in Russia" https://www.inaturalist.org/projects/borschevik-sosnovskogo-v-rossii is registered. At present, we have already published part of the RIVR data under the RIVR account which was specially created to transfer the data from the RIVR system to iNaturalist.
Шипилина Л. Ю., Чухина И. Г. Использование ГИС-технологий для оценки зараженности ООПТ Heracleum sosnowskyi Manden. // Информационные технологии в исследовании биоразнообразия: материалы III Национальной научной конференции с международным участием, посвященной 100-летию со дня рождения академика РАН П. Л. Горчаковского (Екатеринбург, 5–10 октября 2020 г.). Екатеринбург: Гуманитарный университет, 2020. С. 568-570.

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Developers and maintainers

Database design: Igor Dalke, Ivan Chadin, Elena Madi
Programming: Elena Madi
Data collection and entry:
 Occurrences added
Далькэ Игорь Владимирович6060
Захожий Илья Григорьевич4660
Чадин Иван Федорович4357
Кириллов Дмитрий Валерьевич373
Кузиванова Ольга Александровна161
Мади Елена Григорьевна39
Малышев Руслан Владимирович24